



就學貸款還款年限房貸還款建築貸款餘額總資本周轉率a原住民生育補助台南信用貸款>放款本息是什麼意思中小企業發展支援基金鳳凰創業貸款項>信貸利率試算表excel2代健保補充保費利息所得扣繳門檻 修繕住宅貸款申請書銀行支票貼現銀行二胎利率 台北房屋二胎借款台中銀行信貸青年房屋貸款利率>軍公教購屋貸款率利大林鎮中小企業貸款>高雄機車貸款房貸利息列舉扣除高雄二胎借貸 貸款申請流程銀行小額貸款率律/ Staff writer, with CNAA draft proposal to reform the pension system seeks to incrementally increase the labor insurance premium from 9.5 percent to 18 percent over a 10-year period, rather than doing so in one step, Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) said yesterday.Chen was speaking at a news conference in Taipei held to respond to what Chen called misleading media reports about the proposal, which was released on Thursday.Under the proposal, the labor insurance premium is to be raised by 0.5 percentage points every year starting next year, said Chen, who heads the Presidential Office’s Pension Reform Committee.The government would then review the results in 2023 and if they are deemed unsatisfactory, the premium would be raised by 1 percentage point every year until it reaches 18 percent, he said.There is no plan to change the existing system in which employees, the government and employers contribute 20 percent, 10 percent and 70 percent respectively to the premium, he said, dismissing as untrue a report that said employees and employers would each contribute 50 percent of the premium.For workers whose insured salary is NT$30,000 (US$951), raising the premium rate by 0.5 percentage points a year would mean an increase of NT$30 per month in their share of the labor insurance premium, he said.The proposal would increase employers’ contributions by NT$9.5 billion per year, rather than the NT$50 billion some media outlets reported, Chen said.In addition to raising the labor insurance premium, other key reforms laid out in the proposal include ending the preferential 18 percent interest rate on pension deposits for public-sector employees within six years and incrementally lowering the replacement rate of public-sector pensions to 60 percent.The proposal is to be presented at a national conference on pension reform at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei tomorrow.Minister Without Portfolio Lin Wan-i (林萬億), who serves as deputy convener on the Pension Reform Committee, said that the preferential 18 percent interest rate was originally introduced to ensure low-paid public-sector employees were financially sound in retirement, but because the salaries of public-sector employ微型企業創業楷模創業貸款率利當鋪借錢注意台南薪轉借錢比較好貸款的銀行ees were raised during the 1980s, it is now necessary to eliminate the preferential interest rate in order to create a more rational pension system.The adjustment to the labor insurance premium is needed to narrow the huge fiscal shortfall in the pension program and prevent it from going bankrupt, 所得稅遲繳會怎樣which is expected to occur in 2027 or earlier, Lin said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

現金借據範本 路竹中小企業貸款a信用不良可借錢嗎>高雄購屋網薪轉便利貸地下錢莊借錢流程2015公務員貸款率利最低銀行a屏東重機貸款信用貸款利率計算方式房屋貸款買車換屋貸款 a汽車貸款抵稅>輕鬆工作錢多>線上申請信用貸款債清免責


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